Get your best prints ready! It’s almost time for our annual “Summer Exposure” show! Here’s everything you need to know….
Please read the details carefully. If you have questions, email me.
About the photos:
ALL photos should be matted and framed with a wire hanger. NO SAWTOOTH hangers!
ALL PHOTOS should be identified with artist name, title of work, artist contact information, price and what photographic process was used to create the work.
The AFA charges 35% commission on all work sold.
PHOTO DROP OFF is Wednesday, June 4th at out regularly scheduled BRPAS meeting…6:30-7:30. We will meet at the AFA Gallery on Main St.
If you can’t make the meeting, you may drop off at the AFA , Wednesday between 9-5.
If that doesn’t work, contact me. We can work something out.
$5 one photograph
$20 up to 5 photographs
PLEASE NOTE that there is limited space to display the work. It all depends on the size of the work and how many members participate this year. In all likelihood, we will probably need to edit the work of those who choose to bring multiple photos.
There are NO CATEGORIES! Just bring your best!
The show fee is used to hire a judge, put on the reception and for award money.
Best in Show: $100
BRPAS Award: $ 75 This award will be presented to the photograph that is the People’s Choice during the reception.
2 Honorable Mention awards: $50
The Ted Batt sponsored award: TBA
Steve Coates will be our judge this year. Steve is an accomplished photographer that has a long resume of one man shows, awards and has been the recipient of multiple photography grants.
First Friday, June 6th from 5-7:30 pm at the Artist Studio located off the Warehouse Gallery lobby.
BRPAS will provide beverages, paper products and a sandwich tray. If you are able to bring food to share, it will be VERY welcome!
Awards will be presented at 7:00 pm.
ONLY CURRENT BRPAS members are eligible to participate in the show. If you haven’t paid your dues, please be prepared to do so on the 4th. The membership fee is $50/yr. (I’ll have a member list at the meeting if you can’t remember!)