Welcome to the Blue Ridge Photographic Arts Society!
Blue Ridge Photographic Arts Society [BRPAS] is a strong, vibrant local arts consortium dedicated to fine photography. BRPAS meets the first Wednesday of every month in the Academy Center of the Arts in downtown Lynchburg. Social times starts at 6:30pm and meetings start at 7:00pm. Bring snacks and/or drinks (wine welcome!) if you wish. We are a great group of folks who love photography! You do not have to be a member to attend our meetings. If you wish to join, yearly dues are $50. For more information, contact our president, Lisa Pitcher. Hope to see you at one of our meetings!
Monthly Photo Contest
Every month at our meetings at the Academy we begin with voting and awards for our themed Monthly Photo Contest. All BRPAS members attending each month’s meeting are encouraged to bring up to 2 unmounted prints, no larger than 8.5×11″, to compete in the contest. Everyone (including non-members) at the meeting will be asked to vote on their top three favorites and the winners will gain points towards the end of the year awards. The high point winner of the night will have their winning photograph showcased on the BRPAS.org homepage, in addition to taking home an exciting prize for their efforts. We encourage you to be creative with your entries. The goal of having a monthly theme is to encourage everyone to dust off their cameras and get out into the world and photograph! Click here for a list of this year’s contest themes.
Dine & Shoot
In addition to monthly meetings, BRPAS members and friends are invited to our casual Dine & Shoot trips, usually on the third Wednesday of every month. We get together for dinner somewhere in Lynchburg and then afterwords venture out into the night to see what kind of photo opportunities are nearby. Sometimes there is a plan, othertimes not so much. These Dine & Shoots are open to everyone who wants to join us- you don’t have to be a member. In fact, if you are just looking for some conversation and some dinner- come on down! Check the calendar for Dine & Shoot details and please email Lisa Pitcher to secure your dinner reservation with the group.